Big 6 CPA Firm Experience. Small CPA Firm Service & Rates.
Our clients include:
- Individuals
- S-Corporations
- C-Corporations
- Sole Proprietors
- Trusts
- Partnerships
- Limited Liability Companies
Our Services include:
Tax preparation:
Today’s tax laws are so complicated that filing a relatively simple return can be confusing. Even with the use of a computer software program there’s no substitute for the assistance of an experienced tax professional. When we prepare your tax return, you can be assured that it has been rechecked by senior staff members and our sophisticated tax software to identify potential problems and limit IRS and FTB inquires. We also ensure we obtain all the necessary information needed to minimize your taxes. We guarantee our clients the amount of time needed to make sure they don’t overpay taxes and receive the fastest refund by electronically filing returns.
Tax Audit Representation:
If you are chosen for audit or receive a letter of inquiry, we can represent you. In many cases, an IRS or FTB inquiry can be dealt with quickly and put to rest. Often in audit cases, it’s very possible to get a no change letter from the IRS or FTB. Interestingly enough, most of the audits our company handles are tax returns prepared by other firms.
Tax Planning:
Planning is the key to successfully and legally reducing your tax liability. Take advantage of the ability to reduce your current year and future year’s taxes by meeting with us and reviewing your prior family & business situation as well as your current financial position.
Estate Planning:
Effective estate and trust planning can ensure financial security for loved ones. For businesses, it can maintain a smooth succession of ownership. We know how important this is to you and we will ensure that it is done correctly.
Small Business/Individual Accounting and Bookkeeping:
Accurate record-keeping is essential to maintaining a successful business. It is also critical for budgeting whether it be for a business or an individual. The biggest benefit of having a good bookkeeping system is eliminating the possibility of leaving out possible tax deductions. With clear accounting reports, we help you uncover any missing deductions.
We offer full service bookkeeping – onsite or offsite including via remote access to your computer. Let us help you make filing taxes a breeze. If all your accounting is up to date using QuickBooks, this will help to minimize time spent obtaining all information necessary to prepare a business or individual tax return.
QuickBooks Consulting:
Let us help you implement QuickBooks into your business so you can come to love the program and how organized your financials are. All of our staff members are exceptionally educated in QuickBooks and will provide you with the proper training. If you have a question, we can answer it in a timely manner.
Accurate payroll processing means correct paychecks for your employees as well as timely and correct payroll tax reports to federal and state agencies. We use QuickBooks payroll to process payroll, make direct deposits of employee checks, & electronically file and pay all payroll reports and deposits.
We offer the following types of Payroll Services:
Full Service Payroll: We do it all for you! All you need tell us is how many hours each employee works.
Payroll Software Use: Use our system to prepare and file your company’s payroll and reports. We can also act as a backup in the event you cannot process your payroll due to illness or any other unforeseen circumstances. This is a very cost-effective way to help you save money and reduce payroll fees.